API Reference
Update Document Status

Update Document Status


This endpoint is used to update the status of documents.

PUT {BaseURL}/api/v1/document/status
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
    "documents": [
    "status": "ACCEPTED"




  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

Request Parameters

documentsstring[]List of document IDs to update the status for.Yes
statusstringThe new status for the documents.Yes

Status Values

PENDINGThe invoice has been created but not yet acknowledged.
ACKNOWLEDGEDThe invoice has been acknowledged but not yet processed.
IN_PROCESSThe invoice is currently being processed.
UNDER_QUERYThe invoice has some issues or queries and is being reviewed.
CONDITIONALLY_ACCEPTEDThe invoice is accepted with conditions that need to be fulfilled.
ACCEPTEDThe invoice has been fully accepted and is awaiting payment.
REJECTEDThe invoice has been rejected and will not be processed further.
PAIDThe invoice has been paid in full.

Example Request Body

    "documents": [
    "status": "ACCEPTED"


HTTP Status 200 (OK)

    "updated_documents": [
    "failed_documents": [
            "document_id": "24442432-e78b-4396-87bb-334553344533",
            "message": "Cannot change status from PAID to ACCEPTED"

Response Fields

updated_documentsList of document IDs that were successfully updated to the new status.
failed_documentsList of documents that failed to be updated, with failure messages.

HTTP Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity)

This response occurs when the provided data is missing or invalid.


  • Ensure that the request body contains all required fields, and that the status transition follows the defined rules.
  • The endpoint returns lists of updated and failed documents, along with any failure messages.