Receive Update Events
Webhook Events

Webhook Event

Doucument "SENT" Event

This event is triggered when a document is sent to the customer.

Webhook Event Payload

typeThe Event Type.
document_idThe unique identifier of the document.

Example Event Payload

    "type": "DOCUMENT.RECEIVED",
    "document_id": "df5dcf78-e78b-4396-87bb-2d2a44c1302e",

Doucument "RECEIVED" Event

This event is triggered when a document has been sent and successfully validated. It indicates that you are the receiver of the document.

Webhook Event Payload

typeThe Event Type.
document_idThe unique identifier of the document.

Note: Upon receiving the document_id, you can retrieve the XML version of the document via Download XML document.

Example Event Payload

    "type": "DOCUMENT.SENT",
    "document_id": "df5dcf78-e78b-4396-87bb-2d2a44c1302e",

Document "STATUS UPDATED" Event

This event is sent to the supplier after the invoice status is updated by the customer.

Webhook Event Payload

typeThe Event Type.
document_idThe unique identifier of the document.
statusThe newly updated status of the invoice. Valid status can be found in Document Status Type

Example Event Payload

    "document_id": "df5dcf78-e78b-4396-87bb-2d2a44c1302e",
    "status": "ACCEPTED"


  • If polling is used instead of webhooks, the document status will also be available in the response body of the Get Document Detail request.