Invoice Structure


The address of the party.


  • Occurrence: [0..1]
  • Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2

Child Elements

Data FieldOccurrenceDefinition
cbc:Floor[0..1]An identifiable floor of a building.
cbc:Room[0..1]An identifiable room, suite, or apartment of a building.
cbc:StreetName[0..1]The name of the street, road, avenue, way, etc. to which the number of the building is attached.
cbc:AdditionalStreetName[0..1]An additional street name used to further clarify the address.
cbc:BuildingName[0..1]The name of a building.
cbc:CityName[0..1]The name of a city, town, or village.
cbc:PostalZone[0..1]The postal identifier for this address according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.
cac:Country[0..1]The country in which this address is situated.
    <cbc:ID schemeID="GLN" schemeAgencyID="9">1231412341324</cbc:ID>
    <cbc:StreetName>Main street</cbc:StreetName>
    <cbc:AdditionalStreetName>Suite 123</cbc:AdditionalStreetName>
    <cbc:CityName>Phnom Penh</cbc:CityName>